

Mrs Rothenbush has been doing some spring cleaning and donated a box of books to the Erma Stephenson learning commons.  Some of them we already had so I passed them along to Holly and Strawberry Hill.  Thanks for supporting reading!

Patrick Kim kindly donated some books.  He helped process them because he is a library monitor.  Thanks for extra help Patrick!  People like you make Erma a good place to learn!

Mrs Russell donated several balls of yarn and several very popular Erin Hunter books.  The knitters in our Creative Eagles Club will enjoy using the yarn.  Thanks Mrs Russell!

Mr Stanger applied to Fuel Your School Foundation for a grant for our Learning in Depth group that meets on Mondays.  He was successful and now we have two new iPads in the learning commons!  Thanks Mr Stanger!
Read his application here.


I'd like to thank the monitors who come to help run things smoothly from Monday to Thursday when we are open!  These monitors do a variety of jobs and  I am very proud of their ability to solve problems on their own or ask for help when they need it--especially when computer programs can be difficult!

Tia, Emma and Yong-Min take care of the kindergarten books Monday to Thursday.  They pick up the books without asking and know the routines!  What a great team!

Amy, Allie and Rachel come on Monday after the Learning in Depth group is in the library so they always have an extra challenge helping me put away things.  Sometimes Monday's open book exchange has a bigger crowd because students have finished their books over the weekend.  They are a very responsible team!

Jeremy, Anna, Kelly and Leese come on Tuesdays.  As a grade 7 student, Leese has helped train monitors.  Jeremy has lots of good suggestions about good books to read from the non-fiction shelves.  He is a Titanic expert! Anna and Kelly like helping in the library but I have to watch the clock on Tuesdays, otherwise I think they would stay until 2:30!

Sarah, Kajal and Sahil come on Wednesdays. Sarah does a great job keeping the books on the spinners in our forest of books organized. Kajal is doing a great job at the desk checking out books.  Sahil has read a lot of our books.  Ask him for a book recommendation, if you need a chapter book!

Zander, Patrick and Serena come on Thursdays and often help move the furniture around when I have an activity with the kindergarten students in the afternoon. Zander can be counted on when it comes to trouble shooting problems with the computer.  Patrick does a lot of little jobs and isn't afraid to tackle a new one.  His positive attitude makes it easy for people to work with him.  Serena always comes on time and is an excellent helper--when she sees something needs to be done she does it without asking. 

Thank you library monitors!

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